
Explore our Savings options
Finyxa Online Banking has a variety of savings options with minimal fees to help you earn more on every dollar! Deposits are federally insured to at least $250,000 (Individual Retirement Accounts up to an additional $250,000) through the National Credit Union Administration.

Savings Accounts

Our basic savings account is a great way to get started. Open your account with as little as $5.00, and there’s no monthly fee.

Money Market Accounts

Open your account with at least $2,500 to earn dividends and avoid the Monthly Fee, and you’ll enjoy the same high rate as a member with $250,000.


Open a Certificate with as little as $1,000, and enjoy high rates on terms from 3 months to 5 years.

Companion Accounts

Earn an amazing high rate on this basic savings account when you partner it with a Certificate!


Individual Retirement Account (IRA)

it’s never too early to start planning your retirement, and we make it easy with three options: Traditional IRA, Roth IRA and an IRA Certificate.

Health Savings Account (HSA)

A Health savings account is designed for individuals with a high-deductible medical insurance plan, to help you cover the costs not paid by your plan.

Kid’s Savings Accounts

Our Kids’ savers account is designed for children 12 and under, with a low $1.00 opening deposit and no monthly fee!

Fixed term accounts

  • Fixed Term Saving
  • Fixed Rate Cash
  • Resume your Current
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